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Wednesday, July 05, 2006

What the Heck Is A Puggle... You Ask?

You might ask what is a Puggle? I liked the way that Sarah humorously explained the origins of this hybrid breed in her article......

# Puggle:This "Designer Dog" Is All The Rage! What in theworld is a puggle? One fine day a pug was off gallivanting around whenhe came across a spirited little beagle, their eyes met and well....the rest is history! Puggles are part of a new trend of “designerdogs”- like the schnoodle and the cockabiche. They are popping up inmore places and are receiving more press, at the moment, than purebredsand are commanding prices that rival and even exceed the prices oftheir full-blooded compatriots.......


Wikipedia's description is more direct.. but their picture says it all....

A puggle at rest.

A Puggle is a crossbreed between two breeds of dogs, a Pug and a Beagle.

Puggles tend to be about 20-30 pounds, and 13-15 inches at the withers.While colors vary, and there are completely black as well asmulticolored Puggles, the vast majority are fawn colored with wrinkledblack masks (similar to Pugs), but with the longer body, slightlyincreased size, and longer nose and floppy ears associated withBeagles.

Read the rest of the Wikipedia description here...


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