Puggle Daycare!
Doggie daycare
By Kate Sullivan Foley/ CorrespondentFriday, August 18, 2006
When her mother arrived to pick her up from daycare, Nikki raced to her with visible enthusiasm. Squirming with delight, the 3-year-old showered her mother with kisses.
In typical preschool fashion, Nikki didn’t have a lot of patience ...it was evident she wanted to go home.
But first, mother, Hedy Levine, wanted an update on Nikki’s day. She’s still a little timid when she comes in the door, but warms up pretty quickly, she was told. Nikki periodically looks out the window during the day, an obvious sign that she misses her mother, they added.
She also tends to follow the others around, but as soon as they show an interest in playing, she trots away. Levine nodded in knowing agreement.
"She just loves people....much more than she likes other dogs," said Levine.
Nikki is a Wheaten Terrier who recently started attending the newly opened doggie daycare at Lainer Animal Hospital of Canton.
Working full-time and with her three daughters away for the summer, Levine, a Sharon resident, said she signed Nikki up because she didn’t want her to be home alone.
"I just felt bad leaving her every day," said Levine.
The dog spends about three days of every week at the daycare facility. Continued
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