Puggle Obedience - Walking On A Leash
Just noticed this post on the New York Puggle meetup discussion forum. The topic was about the difficulty of walking Puggles on a leash - some dogs get a bit frisky and want to pull you round the streets by the arm! Using normal leads and harnesses wasn't stopping the problem. Rafaela suggested an aide called a Gentle Lead... Read more about it and see her Puggle Bauer demonstrating one....
This may not be the answer for all but my trainer suggested we get a GENTLE LEAD... it look kinda like a muzzel but the dog can still open it's mouth, eat and drink. Anyway, Bauer totally walks like a different dog with it on... he barely pulls and stays right at my side.
I admit that he's still getting used to it and getting it on somthings becomes a game but once he's walking he walks really good!
Raffaella Tasca - The New York Puggles Meetup Group (New York, NY) - Meetup.com
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