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Sunday, July 09, 2006

Puggle TV - Original Melissa Stark NBC Report

When you examine the popularity of Puggle dog sales in the past year there is a huge sales spike shortly after a November 2005 NBC report by interviewer Melissa Stark.

Although Puggles were already popular before the report this filmclip was the driving force that put Puggle sales into orbit.

You can see the original Puggle clip here: NBC Puggle Story

Puggles: The New Designer Dog

Jaclyn Emerick's news article about Puggles is an excellent unbiased and very readable piece on why Puggles have become such a popular "Designer Dog" and the health benefits of such hybrid breeds.

Puggles: Find Out Why This Hybrid Pup Is All The Rage

Imagine being able to bring two different purebred dogs together and come up with an adorable combination of both, possessing the best qualities of each. This trend of hybrid breeding has recently become extremely popular because of the newest designer dog, the puggle: a cross between a female beagle and a male pug.According to www.sun-sentinel.com, this breed accounts for over 50 percent of all mixed breed puppy sales and is receives more press than any other breed today. The Post says that even The Sopranos tough guy James Gandolfini has recently purchased a puggle.

Read the rest of the article here...

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