Kansas Puggle Puppies For Sale
PUGGLES & BEAGLES puppies Listing Information
Description Thank-you for visiting our site! We live on a farm just north of Manhattan, Kansas and we are long time Beagle breeders. We strive to breed the best Beagles possible and ours are the under 13 inch size.
Not long ago some folks asked if we'd breed for some PUGGLE puppies. We searched for a nice male Pug, bought one,raised him up and got him bred to a couple select female Beagles.
The very popular PUGGLE hybrid brings out the best of both breeds...they are short-haired with loose skin and a wrinkly face with a black mask. They are sweet tempered, playful, love to please, endearing, intelligent and have proven to be an excellent pet. We've read they can play "ruff & tumble" or love to be "cuddled" like a "lap dog". People have dubbed them "Minature Mastiffs" and they do look like a mastiff..but have shorter tails that tend to curl.
The PUGGLES are here now and ready for new homes. We know many people have been following these little guys & gals since we first posted their pictures as newborns. We will also have additional Puggles available the first week in August. Read more & See the pictures Here
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