Luxury digs lob dogs a boneIf you have been stuck in sub standard rental accommodation because of your pet take heart. More and more places (including some luxury accommodation) are allowing you to have a pet just by paying a fraction more rent as insurance.FURRY FRIENDS CAN STAY FOR EXTRA RENT By Leslie GriffyMercury News
Want a luxury apartment and have a pet? That used to be a challenge, but not anymore -- at least not for folks willing to pay extra
"Pet rent,'' long established in other parts of the country, is a growing trend in the Bay Area.So pet owners, get ready to fork over up to $100 more a month to have Fluffy or Fido in that swank apartment.
"When I first moved in, I was excited to find a place that would let me have a dog,'' said Aryn Pedowitz, an attorney and owner of Trouble the puggle, a crossbreed between a pug and beagle.
Pedowitz and Trouble live at the Avalon on The Alameda, which boasts housing options that include ``luxurious apartment or townhouse.''
Pet rent is the only reason she could bring a dog into such a place, said Julie Scopazzi, public-affairs director of California Apartment Association Tri-County, a rental-housing trade group. Continued
MercuryNews.com | 08/13/2006 | Luxury digs lob dogs a bone
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