Active Puggles: Keeping Them Amused
How to keep a Puggle happy and occupied - these sorts of toys are brilliant. This is Brinley's first day home. Good start Queenie...
Our new puggle Brinley's first day home, playing with her new toys
Get all the latest Puggle news and views. Follow along and explore the world of this new hybrid dog breed.
How to keep a Puggle happy and occupied - these sorts of toys are brilliant. This is Brinley's first day home. Good start Queenie...
Our new puggle Brinley's first day home, playing with her new toys
Sunday article in the Patriot News about the recent popularity of "Designer dogs" causing increased conflict in the canine community. Reports traditional breed enthusiasts calling them "mutts" and worse. Now although this language is technically correct it's a bit nasty as if you go back far enough in time all breeds were considered "mutts" at some stage in their breeding. Will our beloved "Puggle" eventually become a separate breed of it's own ... who knows...
Nuts about mutts?
Popularity of 'designer dogs' divides canine communitySunday, July 16, 2006BY FORD TURNEROf The Patriot-News
Man's best friend has a new name.It's "Labradoodle." Or "puggle." Or "schnoodle."Mixed-breed dogs, once lovingly referred to as "mutts," have recently become "designer dogs." Breeders, motivated by profit or just the desire to create a better dog, cross-breed purebreds of different breeds and sell them under a newfangled name.... Read More..
technorati tags:puggle, designer, dog, labradoodle